MITANI CORPORATION Visual System Division

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Supported OS

Products \ Windows OS Windows7 Windows8/8.1 Windows10
WinROOF 2021 -- -- Since Ver. 5.0.0
WinROOF 2013/2015/2018 Since Ver. 1.0.0 Since Ver. 1.2.0 Since Ver. 2.3.0
Captomator Since Ver. 1.0.0 Since Ver. 1.1.0 Since Ver. 1.3.0
Patholoscope Since Ver. 1.0.0 Since Ver. 1.0.0 Since Ver. 1.3.0
e-Tiling Since Ver. 3.1.0 Since Ver. 4.6.6 Since Ver. 4.8.5
3DMeasurement Since Ver. 1.7.6 Since Ver. 3.4.1 Since Ver. 3.8.0
NAZCA-3D Since Ver. 1.5.0 Since Ver. 1.8.1 Since Ver. 1.8.1
ContamiAnalyzer Since Ver. 4.2.0 Since Ver. 4.6.0 Since Ver. 4.7.3
MagicalFine Since Ver. 1.0.0 Since Ver. 1.0.0 Since Ver. 1.0.0
SurftopEye Since Ver. 1.5.0 Since Ver. 1.5.1 Since Ver. 1.6.0
WinROOF (End of sales) Since Ver. 6.3.0 Since Ver. 7.4.2 --
SensivMeasure (End of sales) Since Ver. 2.0.8 Since Ver. 3.1.5 Since Ver. 3.3.1
LuminaVision (End of sales) Since Ver. 3.0.0 Since Ver. Since Ver.
DynamicEyeREAL (End of sales) Since Ver. 4.5.0 -- --
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